After School Activities Provide a Channel for Enrichment and Fun
After School Activities at YISS supports student growth for elementary and middle school.
Book Swap Exchanges or Donates Over 3,200 Books
YISS PTO held its annual Book Swap to encourage reading by helping find new homes for thousands of books.
YISS Forensics Holds Onto Second Place
YISS Forensics traveled to Cheongna Dalton for a KAIAC tournament.
Kindergarten Celebrates 100 Days
The kindergarten celebrated their 100 Days at YISS by showing their creativity.
Model United Nations Takes YISS to Columbia University
The YISS MUN team traveled to New York to compete at the Columbia MUN Conference and Exposition.
MS Builds Connections by Ice Skating
Middle school enjoyed Guardian Fun Day at the Lotte World ice rink.
MS SEW Encourages Freedom and Strength
Middle school students fostered leadership and teamwork during Spiritual and Special Emphasis Week.
HS SEW Pushes for Empowerment
High school students nurtured leadership and spiritual redemption for Spiritual and Special Emphasis Week.
SEW Wakes Up the ES and Gives Courage
SEW was a dynamic week of engaging messages, music, and activities.
YISS Competes at Middle School Math Competition
YISS joined the second annual MS math competition hosted by SFS PiSaders.
MS Table Tennis Team Has a Strong Season
The YISS MS Table Tennis Team demonstrated an impressive play at the KAIAC Tournament.
MS Quiz Bowl Team Places Second at APIS
The MS Quiz Bowl Team was qualified for the MS NAQT National Championships.
Basketball Extravaganza: YISS Staff vs. Varsity Boys
The Basketball Extravaganza hosted a thrilling matchup between the YISS Staff and Varsity Boys Basketball Team.
6th Grade Explores Suwon for MS CARES
6th grade explored the natural wildlife and historical landmarks of the Joseon Dynasty.
7th Grade Embark on MS CARES Trip
7th grade demonstrated "The Power of One" through service and teamwork.
Students Collaborate at Yearbook Camp
Students worked together to develop a secret theme and embrace the switch to Jostens.
ES Students Shine in Dance and Worship Teams
Dance and worship team members demonstrate dedication and passion in their practices and performances.
MS Students Travel to Chicago for the AQT Championships
Our MS NAQT A team members represented YISS well at their first championship tournament.
MS Students Unite to Support the Iron Giraffe Challenge
Students raised ₩2 million to build a freshwater well in a South Sudanese village through a special 3K run.
ES Students Compete Well at Battle of the Books
Elementary 4th and 5th grade students test their book knowledge.