The MUN Team Wins Best Delegation at GECMUN XI
The high school United Model Nations team traveled to Jeju to compete against 16 other schools.
Curriculum Review Process Accesses New Resources
Science faculty reviewed the curriculum and resources to enhance the science program.
Model United Nations Takes YISS to Columbia University
The YISS MUN team traveled to New York to compete at the Columbia MUN Conference and Exposition.
2nd Grade Engineers: Travel to School By Zipline
The 2nd grade engineered a solution to help a student in Columbia travel to school.
YISS Competes at Middle School Math Competition
YISS joined the second annual MS math competition hosted by SFS PiSaders.
National Merit Program Honors 17 YISS Seniors
A total of 17 YISS seniors were recognized for their hard work and excellence as Semi Finalists and Commended Students.
Kindergarteners Celebrate in a Writers’ Parade
YISS Kindergarteners showed off their creative writing in the annual Writers’ Parade.
YISS High School Profile 2024
The purpose of the High School Profile is to introduce YISS to colleges and universities to which our students may apply.
NHS Welcomes New Members at Annual Induction Ceremony
Over 20 students were inducted into the YISS chapter of the National Honor Society.
Students Collaborate at Yearbook Camp
Students worked together to develop a secret theme and embrace the switch to Jostens.
Senior Symposium Empowers YISS Class of 2025
HS Counseling Department and Student Council hosted a day of team bonding and college admissions preparation.
MS Yearbook “Camera of Youth” Captures More Than Memories
Eighth graders showcased their creative talent, photography, and design skills in this year’s yearbook.
Commencement Ceremony Celebrates the YISS Class of 2024
YISS Class of 2024 bids bittersweet farewell at graduation.
MS Students Travel to Chicago for the AQT Championships
Our MS NAQT A team members represented YISS well at their first championship tournament.
Students Reflect on a Year of Seventh Grade Photography
The works of Eckert, Erwitt, Harris, and Lange have taught students about the power of storytelling through imagery.
ES Library Collection Expands to Include Books in Korean
Elementary students can now read some of their favorite books in Korean.
ES Students Compete Well at Battle of the Books
Elementary 4th and 5th grade students test their book knowledge.
NHS Awards YISS Senior Kyra Jun Prestigious Scholarship
Student Council President Kyra Jun is recognized as an exceptional student leader.
Leading Universities Around the World Admit Class of 2024
Leading universities admit YISS Class of 2024 students.
ES Read-a-Thon Creates a Carnival to Encourage Reading
Readers stepped right up to a world of wonder during ES Read-a-Thon.