Book Swap Exchanges or Donates Over 3,200 Books

Each year, the YISS PTO organizes a Book Swap to help find new homes for gently used books and provide reading material for book lovers within our school community. This cherished tradition invites students, parents, and staff to donate books, and in return, participants receive vouchers to choose “new” books from the collection. This year, over 180 participants contributed approximately 3,200 books! From the youngest kindergartners to the dedicated YISS staff, the selection had something for everyone. The YISS students and staff continually amaze by demonstrating a strong community spirit filled with avid readers and generous individuals eager to give and share. 

The collection featured not only high-quality reads but also a wonderfully diverse array of titles to suit every interest. Thanks to the unwavering support and enthusiasm of our school community, the annual Book Swap was a resounding success. The event took place from February 18 to 20, perfectly timed to occur just before the elementary Read-a-Thon and during Middle School Reading Appreciation Month, thereby allowing students to add fresh books to their reading lists. 

During the selection days, it was heartwarming to see students excitedly browsing the shelves, picking books not just for themselves but for their families as well. The smooth execution of the event is thanks to the dedicated support of the PTO and volunteer parents, who helped sort, organize, and assist students in choosing their books. Their collective efforts truly exemplify the spirit of the YISS community. 

The remaining books were donated to the Little Library Project, a charity that supports underprivileged children in developing countries by providing them with English books. Like the YISS community, the Little Library Project believes in the power of reading and education. It is a privilege to support their efforts through the YISS Book Swap.


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