Contact Admissions
For any questions regarding your admissions application or how to apply, first, review the FAQ. If you have further questions, please contact our Admissions team at apply@yisseoul.org.
Re-Enrollment Support
Instructions about re-enrollment are sent to currently enrolled families in February. If you need additional assistance, please contact our Enrollment team at enroll@yisseoul.org.
Tuition & Fees
Review the Tuition & Fees section of the FAQ, and for any other financial inquiries, please contact the Business Office at business.office@yisseoul.org.
Bus transportation questions may be sent to the Transportation Coordinator at transportation@yisseoul.org. For transportation payment inquiries, please contact the Business Office at business.office@yisseoul.org.
YISS does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, or national origin but does strictly adhere to the laws and regulations governing the operation of international schools in the Republic of Korea and reserves the right to administer selective enrollment when deemed necessary, proper, and in the best interest of the school.