YISS Forensics Holds Onto Second Place

On February 7 and 8, the YISS Forensics Speech and Debate teams competed at the KAIAC Forensics Tournament, held at Cheongna Dalton School. It was Cheongna Dalton School’s first time hosting a Forensics tournament, and the last regular season tournament. All three Extemporaneous speakers from YISS made it into the finals, and the YISS Forensics team ended in second place overall.

Congratulations to the YISS speech and debate members! For Extemporaneous, Aiden Y. placed first, Ryan C. placed third, and Mia M. was a finalist. For Impromptu, Woosung L. placed first. For Oratory, Woosung L. placed second. For Poetry, Catherine P. was a finalist. For Prose, Jaelyn K. placed first, and Jayden K. was a finalist. For Public Forum Debate, Jonathan M. and Elleanna C. were finalists. For Lincoln Douglas Debate, Aiden Y. placed third.

YISS Forensics looks forward to competing at the KAIAC finals at TCIS!


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