HS SEW Pushes for Empowerment

For High School Special Emphasis Week from January 20 to 23, high school Oasis students participated in a series of talks and activities exploring the connection between physical health and mental well-being and their vital role in effective leadership, energy, resilience, and the ability to inspire others. Under the theme “Empowered to Lead,” guest speakers and interactive sessions highlighted how physical health enhances productivity while mental wellness sharpens decision-making and clarity of thought. The guest speakers were Jonathan Hannah, the P.E. teacher, Ossembly student leaders, Jae Hwang, the high school principal, and Lorena Meadows, the director of high school counseling. Together, these pillars of well-being empower leaders to build strong relationships, solve problems, and achieve meaningful goals.

For High School Spiritual Emphasis Week, high school NICS students gathered for worship led by the band FRVR FREE. A series of speakers explored the theme “Victory: Redeemed and Restored.” This victory goes beyond overcoming struggles or achieving worldly success; it’s about being redeemed and restored to a right relationship with God, ourselves, and others through Jesus Christ. The guest speakers were Levi Miller, the chapel coordinator, Tega Taylor from FRVR FREE, Sangmin Lee, the pastor from King's Cross, and James Lynch, the pastor from Freedom Village Church.


MS SEW Encourages Freedom and Strength


SEW Wakes Up the ES and Gives Courage