2nd Grade Engineers: Travel to School By Zipline

The entire YISS 2nd grade united to complete a wonderful unit on engineering! For two weeks, the students had the opportunity to learn about the engineering design process and the dedication it takes to complete a project. They put their learning into practice by completing a Lego Zipline project. The premise of the project was to help a girl named Maria in Columbia travel to her school using a zipline. As the journey could be unsafe or she could lack the room needed for her books and belongings, the students’ job was to design a carrier that would get her safely across the zipline with her backpack of books.

The Engineering Design Process included: asking, imagining, planning, creating, and improving. With the help of the wonderful YISS Tech Team, which provided Lego kits and set up ziplines in each classroom, the students could test their design skills. The students designed, tested, rebuilt, and improved their carriers until they were all successful!

The engineering unit proved to be a great success, giving the second graders the chance to develop their science skills as well as build upon the YISS Guardian characteristics of creativity, collaboration, and commitment. They are so grateful to have had the opportunity to utilize the Lego kits and plan this fun project with the YISS Tech Team. They look forward to further collaborating in the future and contributing their bright ideas!


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