Kindergarten Walks Red Carpet in Drive-Through Ceremony

The 43 students of the YISS kindergarten classes took part in the Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony on Tuesday, June 8. This year’s theme was “Shine.” The theme was selected as, despite unusual circumstances during the year, the kindergarteners were able to be a shining light in their academics and friendships. Throughout the ceremony, the theme was reflected in verses and songs that showed optimism and playful spirit as the kids prepare for summer fun. The songs included “Do You Wanna Go and Play,” “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” “Mister Sun,” and “Time to Say Goodbye.” 

The kindergarteners recorded their concert and ceremony for their parents to view online. Due to COVID circumstances, the concert could not be held in person. However, the Kindergarten families were still about to celebrate the success of their students in the first-ever Kindergarten Promotion Drive-Through. As the kindergarten families picked up their children, they were able to exit their cars one at a time to congratulate their child. The students had a processional walk down a red carpet and were greeted by their family. Following this, each family took photos and was presented with a promotion gift. 

The Kindergarten Promotion Drive-Through and Concert were a wonderful way to commemorate the students’ first year at YISS. The kindergartners did a wonderful job and their families and teachers were thrilled to be able to celebrate their transition into first grade! Check out the concert video here: YISS Kindergarten Promotion 2021


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