ES VBS Teaches That “You Are a Treasure!”

From June 1-3, elementary students participated in Vacation Bible School/Values-Based School. VBS is the elementary school’s traditional way to salute the year in style. By interacting with deep ideas in a variety of exciting activities, the children are able to gain strength as they head off on their summer break. 

All students learned about how they are known, heard, comforted, forgiven, and chosen. NICS students heard about this in the context of the Bible’s description of the God who loves them, and Oasis students heard this in regards to their family and friends.

Each day students were able to sing catchy songs made just for VBS, hear special stories, discuss big ideas, journal, play VBS games, and make VBS crafts! By these means and more, the children were able to have fun, enjoy each other, and be encouraged as they embraced positive truths about who they are. The tagline for the week was appropriately encouraging: “You are a treasure!”

COVID only changed VBS; it didn’t make it any less effective! By staying in the classrooms more, the students were able to process the end of the year with their teacher and friends in a meaningful way.

VBS is an important time for the children’s social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It shows the children that we value them. I heard back from many children who clearly felt this way after having spent time doing deep work, in a creative and exciting way.


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