HS Spanish Writes Books and Reads to Middle Schoolers

In May, high school Spanish IV students used new and old vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills they developed over the school year to write a Spanish storybook. Once the plots and characters were developed, the self-illustrated storybooks were then printed. The culmination of the project was reading to middle school Spanish I students using the comprehensible input method, finishing with a Q&A session. All the students who participated did an amazing job!

We are so proud to present our Spanish IV class storybooks all imagined by the students' creativity. They not only had to think of stories, characters, settings, plots, and conflicts, but they had to express them using their own abilities in the Spanish language. They also illustrated their books and wrote a moral or Spanish saying that reflected the message of the story. 

For students to have a purpose at the end, not just to make a book, but to have the privilege to present the books to Ms. Alvarez's class, added an extra layer of excitement to their projects. They read to them in a way that they can understand, slowly, checking for comprehension, asking them questions, and making sure the listeners were engaged. 

Here are some thoughts about the project from the high school students themselves:

Alexis: “Me cuesta mucho trabajo porque soy tímido, pero me ha ayudado significativamente”/  It was difficult because I am shy but had helped me a lot. 

Tanya:  “Mi experiencia de leer los libros a MS fue muy divertido. Los chicos eran muy amable” / My experience to read books to MS  was fun and the kids were very kind” 

Dyanne: “Pienso que mi experiencia de leer los libros a MS fue bien porque los estudiantes de octavo grado eran muy simpáticos y "engaged."./ I think that my experience with MS was good because 8th graders were kind and engaged. 

Jeff: “Mi experiencia es muy bueno y pienso que los chicos son muy buenos.” / my experience was good and I think the kids are great. 

Christian: “Mi experiencia fue muy bueno porque me gustaba los niños.” / My experience was good because I liked the kids.


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