3rd Grade Celebrates Writing with Personal Narratives

During the first quarter, our 3rd grade students worked hard to compose different personal narrative stories. They started the process by brainstorming many small-moment story ideas. For each piece they wrote, the students chose one of their ideas, and then they drafted, revised, and edited their stories to include details, dialogue, transitions, and much more!

Toward the end of our unit, the students selected one of their masterpieces to "publish" into a final draft, which included making a fun and creative cover for their completed story.

In order to celebrate the students’ hard work, all four 3rd grade classes went outdoors to participate in a special writing celebration event. Sheltering from the sprinkling rain under the covered areas of the courtyard and front steps of the school, the students gathered in small groups of three to four, sitting around hula hoops to help with social distancing. Within their groups, the newly-published authors took turns sharing their written stories with their group members.

We all had so much fun celebrating our writing accomplishments with this special outdoor event!


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