MS Elects Student Council from 30 Candidates

During the last week of September, middle school students listened to student council speeches and voted on their representatives and council members. In a banner year, 30 students gave speeches and ran for the elected positions. 

In order to earn a spot as a candidate, students needed to complete applications identifying why they wanted to be in the student council and what they might bring to the middle school. They also needed to gather teacher recommendations. In the weeks leading up to the election, the candidates created original campaign posters that were hung throughout the middle school hallways and posted digitally on Padlet. 

For 7th and 8th grade candidates, the speeches were given from the auditorium with both an in-person and virtual audience. Sixth grade candidates recorded their speeches and posted them for their peers to view. Staff and students alike were very impressed by the quality of the speeches and we are excited to see how these students can make an impact on the middle school this year!

The election results were: president David J., vice president Jaelynn K., treasurer Lily K., secretary Olivia Heun L., 8th grade representatives Kaiden H. and Claire L., 7th grade representatives Seunghun L. and Isaac S., and 6th grade representatives Leah K., Isabella P., Edward R. and Ethan S.

The student council’s first order of business is to help support the Random Acts of Kindness campaign by helping organize the kick-off Guardian Gatherings. We’ll be hosting these assemblies in the gym during the week of October 18.


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Research by YISS Senior Published in Science Journal