YISS Welcomes First Legacy Student

For the first time in our school’s history, we have a second-generation, legacy student attending YISS. The father in this graduate-son duo is Dr. Daniel Jinhag Baik. Dr. Baik started attending ICS-Seoul (which later became YISS) in his 6th-grade year and graduated in 2004. While at ICS-Seoul, Dr. Baik participated in Student Council, Model United Nations, the yearbook team, the newspaper team, went on a mission trip to La Coruna, Spain, and was also the captain of the Guardian soccer team for his senior year.

Although ICS-Seoul was smaller at the time, according to Dr. Baik, “it did not lack learning opportunities.” He credits his time at ICS-Seoul with providing him opportunities “to build creativity, equip problem-solving skills against challenges, understand collaborative teamwork, and open [his] eyes to a broader world” that would “eventually lead to [his] career.”

Dr. Baik attended Northwestern University and majored in Electrical Engineering after graduating. He then worked for Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Division in Austin, Texas as an Engineer for a couple of years before coming back to Korea to pursue a career in medicine. Dr. Baik attended Korea University School of Medicine and chose ophthalmology. He is currently an ophthalmologist at Korea University Anam Hospital.

When asked about his family’s choice to enroll his son at YISS, Dr. Baik responded, “YISS was the obvious number one choice as it is one of the best international schools in Korea. We wanted to send Ian to a school where he can experience diverse cultural backgrounds. We wanted him to build faith and have Christian standards for the decisions that he will have to make in the future. I myself have grown around the vision and values taught from ICS/YISS, and we hoped Ian could grow using the same environment and tools provided by YISS.”

YISS is excited to welcome the son of an alumni student and hope for many more legacy students to follow!

(Above) Dr. Baik and his son pictured side-by-side.


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