YISS Students Present for Johns Hopkins Int’l. Conference

During the summer, senior Hyunjung C. and junior Siyeon L. participated in the Global Health Leaders Conference hosted by Johns Hopkins University and had the chance to present in their Student Speaker Series. The international conference is a premier global health education program led by Johns Hopkins University students and faculty; at the conference, emerging global health leaders in grades 9-12 from around the world learned from one another and some of the world’s leaders in global health, public health, and medicine.

Hyunjung and Siyeon were two of many student speakers who presented on diverse topics such as pandemic preparedness, food insecurity, climate change, period poverty and stigma, antibiotic resistance, child poverty and mortality, cancer, mental health, and many more topics. The featured speakers at the conference included the U.S. CDC’s Director of the Center for Global Health, a Nobel Laureate, and world-renowned professors, researchers, and physicians.

Here, at YISS, Hyunjung is the vice-president of the STEM club where she can further explore her passions for biology and community health. Her presentation focused on the looming issue of antibiotic resistance, which ties into her future goal of researching new treatments in bacterial infections.

To watch Hyunjung’s presentation, please use this link: Danielle Hyunjung Cho Presents on Antibiotic Resistance and Phage Therapy | The GHLC at JHU.

Siyeon is a member of MUN at YISS and often looks for opportunities to join panels on community health. In her free time, she writes articles on the topic and even creates posters for cancer awareness. Her presentation focused on the role of socioeconomic disparities in cancer treatment, a topic close to her heart as it has impacted her family directly. 

To watch Siyeon’s presentation, please use this link: Siyeon Lee Presents on the Role of Socioeconomic Disparities in Cancer Treatment | The GHLC at JHU.


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