YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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VEX Robotics Club Compiles Presentations on AI

During the second quarter of the 2021-2022 school year, members of the YISS VEX Robotics Club researched topics related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to present to the rest of the school community. The recent expansion of the digital world and the development of new technologies has prompted the field of artificial intelligence to emerge. Artificial intelligence is not merely limited to robotics; no matter the industry, AI is present to some degree. Seeing as it continues to grow in prominence and significance, the VEX Robotics Club set out to educate others via this project. 

Members spent club meetings researching related topics, including various AI algorithms or impacts of AI on certain sectors. They put together mini-presentations (one slide each) explaining their research and findings, with the primary goal to succinctly communicate information to the YISS community. We hope you take the time to appreciate our members’ hard work, as well as learn a thing or two about AI!

Check out their presentation slides here!