3D Class “Most Green” Game Booth Plants Tree on Campus
On Tuesday, November 5, the students in 3D grabbed a shovel and a watering can to help plant a lovely pine tree along the walkway leading up to the school. The YISS PTO encouraged all ES classes to reuse and repurpose existing materials to make and decorate their FunFest game booths as much as possible and 3D won the prize for winning the FunFest “Guardians Go Green–Best Upcycled Booth” Game Booth Award.
The creative minds behind the “REDdy to Fizz” booth were rewarded for their ingenious use of recycled materials including dry-cleaning hangers, cans, and PET bottles. The students turned their FunFest success into a lasting green legacy at YISS by choosing to “go green” and plant a pine tree on campus rather than opting for a traditional pizza or ice cream party to celebrate. Students eagerly participated in the planting process, learning valuable hands-on lessons about environmental stewardship. This tree will grow alongside our students, serving as a living reminder of their commitment to environmental sustainability. Congratulations, 3D! Guardians, go green!