Students Experiment with Bubbles and Create Models

Science classes are known for their experiments and hands-on learning. During their recent units, students in Mrs. Hostetter’s classes put their learning to the test in various activities. 

Biology students used bubbles to represent the cell membrane. The bubbles allowed for students to visually see how the cell membrane is fluid, flexible, and can self-repair. Students were given a set of challenges, such as putting their fingers through a bubble membrane without popping it (endocytosis), creating a bubble within a bubble (membrane-bound organelles), splitting a bubble in half (binary fission), or using string to create a hole in the bubble without popping it (channel proteins). 

AP Biology students modeled different types of enzyme reactions and inhibitors using chalk markers, play-doh, and pipe cleaners to create visual aids in their learning. They were able to draw models directly onto their tables using the chalk markers, an activity that the students were excited to try.


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