ES Classes Take Center Stage for Dynamic Spring Concerts

In the ES Music Department, spring is a season of vibrant performances that showcase our students' hard work and learning.

Over several weeks, students diligently prepared for these performances by learning songs, motions, lines, and even basic acting techniques during their music classes. Musicals are an excellent platform for students to apply their music knowledge and skills in a practical setting, allowing them to gain confidence in performing before an audience.

Additionally, these performances foster collaboration among the students, who work together as Guardians. By performing as storytellers through their voices, actions, and words, they not only enhance their individual abilities but also learn the importance of teamwork.

View the 1st Grade Concert: “Bada Bing, It’s Spring!” video

View the 2nd-3rd Grade Concert: “Of Mice and Mozart” video

View the 4th-5th Grade Concert: “We Haz Jazz!” video


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