YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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YISS Musicians Head to Philippines for ACSC Honor Band Festival

On March 9, the ACSC Honor Band of 2019 took the stage in Cadd Theater, on the campus of Faith Academy in the Philippines. The band was made up of participants from seven schools in the ACSC Conference. This year's guest conductor was Dr. Chester Jenkins, director of Cedarville University's Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band and professor of various music courses. Over the course of three days, Dr. Jenkins worked with the 60 students from schools around Asia to rehearse and prepare concert material for two performances. He brought forth a deeper understanding of music, instrumental technique, and an appreciation for the art of performing.

As part of the experience of ACSC festival, students participated in a service opportunity, in which they commuted to a nearby village and performed for the local residents, which was followed by games and a time of fellowship together. This experience, along with that of playing in a fully-voiced, collaborative band, was a special opportunity for the YISS participants.

This year, YISS sent five students to participate in the ACSC Honor Band Festival: Jalen V. (9), Joshua K. (10), Francis P. (11), Sean R. (11), and Jay B. (12). These students received recognition for their participation in the honor band and came back to Seoul with a deeper appreciation for music and a renewed interest in developing their talents more deeply.

To view the final concert, click here.