YISS Hosts Joy-filled ACSC Honor Orchestra Festival

From March 7-9, YISS hosted the Asia Christian Schools Conference (ACSC) Honor Orchestra Festival for musicians from Morrison Academy (Taiwan), Faith Academy (Philippines), and ICS Hong Kong. A total of 64 students, 21 of whom attend YISS, were selected to participate in the festival. The purpose of the festival was to bring musicians together as part of the “body of Christ” to share their God-given talents and to give God glory and praise.

The students rehearsed for two and a half days to prepare for the final concert held on Saturday, March 9 in the YISS Auditorium. The guest conductor was Ms. Helen Weed, who has been the conductor of the California-based Praise Symphony Orchestra for the past 35 years.

While in Seoul, the visiting students also had opportunities to visit the Namsan Hanok Village and Insadong. All of the festival participants also served the community by playing concerts at area senior centers as well as by giving hand massages, painting fingernails, and helping as needed.

For the final concert, the pieces performed had an emphasis on the JOY found in Jesus Christ. The genres ranged from classical to jazz, and the beautiful music that was played was truly a testament to the talent of the students and the instruction of Mrs. Weed. After the concert, the students celebrated their last night together with a banquet featuring an informal talent show and time of worship.

To view the final concert, click here.


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