YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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MS Field Day Results in Tie; Hot Wing Challenge as Tiebreaker

During the week of April 18-22, the middle school students participated in Field Day 2022. This was a three-day event in which each grade level participated on a specific day. Students were put into one of four color teams and had to work together to organize and figure out who would participate in each event: volleyball, dodgeball, and track & field. 

The gyms and field were buzzing with excitement as the teams faced off in each event and earned points for their collective colors. At the end of the week, the points were tallied for each team color across the three grade levels.

In an unbelievable turn of events, there was a two-way tie for first place between the White Team and the Blue Team. The tiebreaker was a hot wing challenge in which a teacher from each team competed to see who could eat the most hot wings in ten minutes. Both teachers came out of the gate strong, quickly devouring their first wings, with some help from students equipped with squirt guns and "fans" to help ward off the heat.

In the end, Mr. Krahn led the White Team to victory by defeating his own hot wings before Mr. Harrison! The Golden Shoe, our MS Field Day trophy, has found a new homeā€¦at least until next year!