High School students Make Deeper Connections at Class Retreats

This year's freshman, sophomore, and junior retreats were one to remember!  With beautiful weather and excitement among our students, we ventured off campus for fun and unique experiences.

The three groups rotated through different activities, including climbing partially up Namsam, visiting the National Museum of Korea, and spending time at Yongsan Family Park.  While hiking up Namsam, the Student Council hosted team building activities that were a huge hit for the students. At the museum, we listened to a short lecture on the history of Korea, a tour of the museum, and then were set into groups for a scavenger hunt.  At the park, students spent time completing booklets that were made by the teachers encouraging them to reflect on the past and set goals for their future.

Upon returning to YISS, each grade met together to establish their collective goals for the year.  Students took turns sharing their thoughts and hopes for them and their classmates and demonstrated some great leadership skills.  Overall, it was a great and challenging day with time spent together, a fantastic lunch from Subway, and an experience that we will not soon forget.


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