ES Concerts Celebrate the Christmas Season

This year, our annual Christmas productions were performed in the YISS auditorium and live streamed for audiences at home to enjoy. Our elementary students and music teachers did a fantastic job spreading Christmas cheer in the YISS community through musicals and classic holiday songs!

Kindergarten and 1st grade performed “Stable By Starlight: An Illuminating Nativity Musical” under the direction of Caleen Williams. Everything is about to change in the town of Bethlehem, as a humble stable is bathed in starlight and alive with activity. Something very special is happening, and the animals are in the stalls with front-row tickets.

The 2nd and 3rd grade performed their concert “We Knead a Little Christmas: Fresh Baked from Bethlehem, the House of Bread” under the direction of Jessica Lien. The concert captured the story of a baker Ezekiel and his family who are baking up fresh delights for the residents of Bethlehem when their son Babka, the shepherd, bursts on the scene with tales of angels appearing in the night sky.

The 4th and 5th grade performed their concert, “Sheep in Heavenly Peace” under the direction of Jessica Lien. It’s a zoo out here! The stables of Bethlehem are out of control with the animals that the travelers have brought with them. Bethlehem’s top temp agency calls on their eager but inept family of workers, the Wooltons, to step up. This unique assignment brings them face-to-face with the angel Gabriel and the Good Shepherd!

Thank you to the teachers and staff who offered assistance with rehearsal and auditions, the YISS PTO for their support with stage decorations, HS Theatre for helping create the props and supporting behind the scene, and Mark Ludwig and Ram Heo for running the theater lights and sounds!

Click on the links below to enjoy recordings of the live performances:

Kindergarten & 1st Grade Concert 2024 – Stable By Starlight
2nd & 3rd Grade Concert 2024 – We Knead a Little Christmas
4th & 5th Grade Concert 2024 – Sheep in Heavenly Peace


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