ES Boys Soccer Team Deliver Strong Play

The 4th and 5th Grade ES Boys Soccer Squad went to Chadwick International School for a jamboree on October 19. We divided up into four seven-a-side teams and had the most excellent experience! Both the 4th and 5th grade teams showed that they were the grittiest teams there and gave the other skillful teams a real run for their money.

Coach Sanders and Coach Adams were thrilled to see how the boys carefully listened to their directions and demonstrated great courage throughout the games. The boys got to showcase their well taken free kicks, great attacking passing, and trick goals. Win or lose, one thing was for sure: the boys tried their very best, and after every game, they were able to leave the field knowing they had delivered a true Guardian performance. It's been a great season in which we have seen much growth. The boys can certainly be proud of their bravery and perseverance this past weekend!


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