ES Concludes Read-A-Thon with Pancake and Pajama Day

On Friday, March 8, students concluded Read-A-Thon with a favorite event—Pancake and Pajama Day! On this day, students and staff members wore their pajamas to school, and some even brought a favorite stuffed animal or blanket. Many classrooms had fun events scheduled throughout the day.

In kindergarten, KC students had the opportunity to hear books read to them by first graders. This was a great opportunity for kindergarteners to meet new reading friends in a different grade level. Other classes celebrated Pajama Day by having students snuggle with their stuffed animals or blankets and read a favorite book.

The highlight of Pajama Day was a special lunch made just for this day. Students enjoyed a lunch of cereal, pancakes, sausage, eggs, and fried rice. Even the YISS staff loved eating the pancake lunch! Even though this was the last day of Read-A-Thon, students are looking forward to the wrap-up assembly on March 22, where they will be celebrated for their accomplishments in reading during Read-A-Thon.


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