2021 Senior Prom Visits La La Land

In years past, YISS juniors and seniors got all dressed up and gathered off-campus at a ritzy venue for the Junior-Senior Banquet at the end of the year. This year on May 28, to avoid cancellation due to COVID restrictions, the JS Banquet became seniors-only and was held on campus with limited attendance to accommodate the safety precautions.

Without the initiative, event planning, and execution of parents, the banquet would not have been able to take place this year. Student Council members along with other high schoolers volunteered their time as well, helping with decorations and setup. Together, the students, parents, and staff transformed the gym into a La La Land theme. 

The seniors arrived and were able to spend two hours talking, taking photos, and listening to music. They also enjoyed watching performances by their peers in the form of a mini talent show while sipping sparkling cider from champagne glasses. There were multiple opportunities to take photos and make more memories as a graduating class.

Afterward, the space had to be transformed back into a gym. Thanks to the parents and students who planned the evening and for all their labor helping to clean up. A variety of people in the community donated appetizers, snacks and treats, flowers, lights, and their time to make the 2021 Senior Prom a wonderful experience for our graduating class. A special shout out to DJ Anna Jeon, sister of senior Jacob J., who also lent her music queuing skills for the evening. It was a community effort that created this unforgettable night!


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