YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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YISS Has Excellent Showing at Final Forensics Competition

The YISS Forensics team finished out the year by competing in the KAIAC finals tournament on April 5 and 6 at SIS. The speech team put in an excellent showing with several students taking home top honors. Jasmine C. (11) placed 2nd in Oratory. Jake L. (12) took home 2nd in Prose and was a finalist in the Impromptu category. Sean R. (11) earned 3rd place in Extemporaneous. Freshman Nicole H. made it to the finals in the highly competitive poetry category, and Mia C. (11) earned 1st place in the same category. One debate team went to the final tournament but could not overcome the competition. Congratulations to all finalists and award winners!