YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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Lily K. and Caroline R. Place in Korea National Winter Games

On February 23-26, YISS seventh graders, Lily K. and Caroline R., competed in the 2022 Korea National Winter Games - Figure Skating Competition at the Uijeongbu Ice Rink. In order to compete, Lily and Caroline passed the qualifying Seoul Regional Competition held at the end of last December in Mokdong Ice Arena.

Both girls have been skating for years and their dedication to training, even before school and on weekends really paid off at the competition. Lily took 4th place in the advanced novice category and Caroline placed 4th in the novice category.

You can watch Lily’s short program to the music, "Kajra Re" & "Dola Re Dola" Mix, and her free skating program with music from Les Misérables

You can watch Caroline’s free skating program which includes songs from the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack.

Congratulations to our talented figure skaters!