YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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International Thespian Society Conducts Induction Ceremony

The YISS chapter of the International Thespian Society (ITS) held an induction ceremony in the lobby of the YISS auditorium on Thursday, January 10. Founded in 1929, the International Thespian Society is an honorary organization for high school theatre students located at more than 4,900 secondary schools across America and abroad. ITS is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA), and its mission is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts.

Troupe directors track student achievement and determine induction eligibility using a point system based on the quality and quantity of each student’s merit in theatre and related arts. At YISS, students are eligible for induction when they have earned at least 10 Thespian points.
There are also various leadership positions in the YISS ITS troupe, including, but not limited to, President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
We want to congratulate and recognize the following inductees who were welcomed into the International Thespian Society earlier this month:

Joshua K. (10) for roles in The Myths at the Edge of the World (2018), “A Night of One Acts” (2018), as well as And Then There Were None (2017)
Christian U. (10) for roles in The Myths at the Edge of the World (2018), And Then There Were None (2017), as well as “The Redemption of Gertie Green” (2018)
Simone B. (10) for roles in The Myths at the Edge of the World (2018), “A Night of One Acts” (2018), as well as And Then There Were None (2017)
Bia N. (11) for roles in “A Night of One Acts” (2018) as well as And Then There Were None (2017)
Michelle K. (12) for roles in The Myths at the Edge of the World (2018), And Then There Were None (2017), and The Crucible (2015)
Taehyun K. (12) for roles in “A Night of One Acts” (2018) as well as And Then There Were None (2017)

YISS is thankful to the current members who participated in the ceremony and wishes to congratulate all of our new members!